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Zoning Board Minutes 2009/06/23
June 23, 2009
7:00 PM

Present:        Peter Urbach, Chairman; Alex Kish, Vice Chairman; James Lyons; Harry Gazelle; Charles Balyeat, Alternate; Edward Frothingham, Alternate; Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
Also Present:   Mark Reed; Robert Bates; Felicia Bessey; Mary & Wilfred Gonyo; Mark Peel
Absent: Robert Henry; Benny Cooper, Alternate

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Chairman Urbach.
Chairman Urbach informed those present that Ed Frothingham will be serving as an alternate this evening.  With five voting members, a majority of three is required for approval.
7:08 - CASE #09-06, Mark Reed.  Seeking approval of a special exception as provided for under Article IV Section 4:10 to allow professional offices at 97 Lower Main Street.
Roger informed the board that Reed’s property is in a residential district and must obtain a special exception for use of a professional space.  Reed stated the building has always been a commercial building and was built with a commercial building permit.  The building has been empty in the 18 months since it was been built and Reed now has a potential renter for office space.
Peter apprised the board of the criteria that must be met for approval of a special exception.  The board may grant a special exception if: 1) the selected site is an appropriate location for the proposed use, 2) adequate and safe highway access is provided and adequate and safe off street parking is provided, 3) adequate methods of sewage disposal are provided, 4) proposal will not be detrimental, hazardous or injurious to the neighborhood, and 5) the proposed use is consistent with the spirit of the ordinance and the intent of the master plan.
Ed inquired as to the available parking.  Six spaces are available, four for the office space and two for the upstairs residential unit.  Abutters Robert Bates and Felicia Bessey, Lower Winn Hill, asked about the parking and otherwise had no issue with the building being used as office space.  Wilfred and Mary Gonyo, abutters who live across the street, stated they have no problems with the proposal.
Jim felt that if a special exception were granted in this case, exceptions would need to be made in the future for other businesses in a residential area.  Peter said that each case is treated on its own merits and did not feel an exception in this case would set a precedent.  
A motion was made by Harry Gazelle to approve Case #09-06 seeking approval of a special exception as provided for under Article IV Section 4:10 to allow professional offices at 97 Lower Main Street.  Seconded by Alex Kish.  The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:26.
Submitted by Katie Richardson, recording secretary        Date approved____________________

_____________________________________   _______________________________________
Peter Urbach, Chairman                         Alex Kish, Vice-Chairman

_____________________________________   _______________________________________
James Lyons                                            Harry Gazelle

Ed Frothingham, Alternate